Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sunday, October 5, 2014

iPhone 6 and our mindset

Judging from the queues outside Apple stores, it may be seen that some people mistakenly feel that iPhone 6 is what they really need.
The smartphone may even be a status symbol and this applies to anything created since it can always have the potential to be the idol in our lives. It can be the car we drive, the jobs we hold, or the schools that our children attend.

'We are living in an age where marvel is not enough'

High doses of Vitamin C are known to cause kidney stones

Straits Times 28Sept14

Monday, September 22, 2014

Average monthly income at 50th percentile is $7608 in 2012

Average monthly household income for top 10th percentile is $30379. The wealth for those at the top has zoomed away, with slowing down or no trickling down to the middle class, resulting in the middle class squeeze.

Saturday, September 20, 2014